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[PMV]≡ Download Free Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green

Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green

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Download PDF Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green

Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green

I picked this for my January First Read because the book listed as a thriller sounded too gruesome, although generally I would have chosen that one. What a surprise- this book is a mystery thriller. It's a very convoluted story, exciting and with unexpected twists- kept me guessing all the way to the end. I will not inject spoilers into my review, it has highly entertaining characters, and quite a complex plot.

I will definitely read more by this author, this was a very surprising, very good book.

Read Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green

Tags : Twist of Faith (Ava Saunders Book 1) eBook: Ellen J. Green: Kindle Store,ebook,Ellen J. Green,Twist of Faith (Ava Saunders Book 1),Thomas & Mercer

Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green Reviews

This book deliberately tricks the reader, which is standard fare for a mystery/thriller, but this one does so in a way which is paramount to betrayal. The author switches points of view between chapters, most of the time using third person limited. However, in the Ava (the protagonist according to the book blurb) chapters, the POV is first person. From her point of view, we are fed many many questions and, when we later find out that Ava knew the answer to most of them, those chapters are as much a betrayal to the reader as to Ava’s friends. This could have been a clever literary device if Ava’s chapters were also third person limited, but as is, it makes the work look sloppy in its over-calculatedness. The writing is full of tropes and clichéd language of the genre which quickly get tiring and relies on a whip-lash-inflicting plot to keep the book interesting. All in all, suitable for a rainy day read, but hardly compelling.
SPOILER ALERT!!! SPOILER ALERT!!! I will summarize this book as follows There were too many characters, making too many dumb decisions. You will eventually figure the outcome about 50-60% of the way through the book. It rambles. A serial killer is on the loose investigated while off duty by a silly cop who can't tell the authorities about his findings because he broke every rule in the book. He then lets the serial killer go free. WONDERFUL! Where do all these 5 star reviews come from??????
This is a well-written book, although the constant jumping from first person Ava’s point of view to third person Other characters in the story can be a bit confusing. Once you get used to it, though, you do see the connection. It is a wonder that these characters can find their way to solving the question of these murders and Ava’s dubious adoption, as they swim their way through Pinot Noir, whiskey, tequila, and whatever else they choose as head poison. In spite of all this, and it really is just all connected to the character personas, the story does move along, taking various twists and turns along the way. There is some foul language, but not used to an extreme, as I have seen in other books, so not a deal breaker in this book. The author knows how to describe situations well, and there is some good character development here. Ava is obsessed with finding answers about her supposed adoption and the murders that may be connected with her subsequent life with her adoptive mother, Claire. The fact that polaroids of open doors reveal clues to these murders is intriguing. As the protagonist, Ava could be a little less self-pitying, though.
My choice was between a thriller and this book. I am glad I chose this one. Satisfying read.
I’ll give the book one star bc it is a decent read in terms of pace and intrigue. It kept me interested despite many eye-rolling moments. That said, when you add it all up, along with an absolutely, mind-bogglingly, idiotic ending, I walked away wishing I hadn’t invested the minimal time it took to read this book. As with many of the First offerings, this was disappointing to say the least. I’m just glad I didn’t lose my money along with my time. Consider yourself warned.
I was very involved with this mystery, reading it pretty much straight through. It had a decent writing style, and interesting characters. The plot was quite involved, and the story had some intriguing twists.

I wish that I could have liked the Heroine more than I did. But then again, I'm sure the lack of depth on that character was deliberate. I enjoyed the book--up until the ending. If you can call it an ending. I felt rather cheated after I'd invested my time to read it. I may be in the minority with just an "OK" rating, but I definitely felt unsatisfied. If there's a sequel, I doubt that I'll read it--as I prefer books that end with more resolution.
It’s not often that mysteries take me by surprise anymore. I had chosen Twist of Faith simply because it was a mystery and none of the other choices seemed appealing. Wow, am I glad I chose this book! There’s nothing quite like a good mystery that keeps you guessing until the end. If you like a truly enigmatic mystery drawn out to the last bloody clue, this one’s for you.

At first, the mystery is simply a mesmerizing train wreck in slow motion; you want to look away because you think you know how it’s going to end, but you can’t drag your eyes away because it’s so incredibly vivid and fascinating to watch. But Twist of Faith is NOT a train wreck every time you think the mystery is solved or crucial elements will be revealed, the mystery gets deeper.

Ellen Green reminds me a lot of Agatha Christie; she leaves you grasping at every clue, wondering which are real and which are red herrings. Every seeming cliché and every guessed-at trope turns itself slowly around, Janus-like. And like Janus, the face revealed is quite different than the visage we were surveying just moments before.

Overall, while this would receive an R-rating as a movie, it would a soft R-rating. The author did a wonderful job of showing murder-mystery violence without getting horrific, a few sexual situations without being graphic, and enough profanity so we understood people's characters without being inundated. I thought the author had a great balance that worked incredibly well. If you wish to see the curse word count, I've included it in a comment below. It's not bad at all, very skillfully done.

Very glad that I chose this excellent mystery for my First Reads / First January 2018 selection.
I picked this for my January First Read because the book listed as a thriller sounded too gruesome, although generally I would have chosen that one. What a surprise- this book is a mystery thriller. It's a very convoluted story, exciting and with unexpected twists- kept me guessing all the way to the end. I will not inject spoilers into my review, it has highly entertaining characters, and quite a complex plot.

I will definitely read more by this author, this was a very surprising, very good book.
Ebook PDF Twist of Faith Ava Saunders Book 1 eBook Ellen J Green

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