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[SC7]∎ Libro Gratis The Makings of a Fatherless Child Chandler Alexander Books

The Makings of a Fatherless Child Chandler Alexander Books

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The Makings of a Fatherless Child Chandler Alexander Books

The most prominent element of this book that stood out to me the most is how the narrative is expressed. The author does a great job of capturing the character’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions and conveying them in such a way that it feels genuine and realistic.

As well as this, I found myself relating to the protagonist, Amel River, in various different ways throughout the book. Admittedly, this caught me off guard at first because it’s not often I find myself connecting to characters that undergo the sort of struggles that Amel experiences in “The Makings of a Fatherless Child” – but it ultimately is big influence in regard to why I found the read so engaging. Certainly worth a read.

Read The Makings of a Fatherless Child Chandler Alexander Books

Tags : The Makings of a Fatherless Child (9780692398296): Chandler Alexander: Books,Chandler Alexander,The Makings of a Fatherless Child,House of Cotton Publishing,0692398295,FICTION General,Fiction - General,Fiction African American Urban,FictionAfrican American - Urban,General

The Makings of a Fatherless Child Chandler Alexander Books Reviews

I am not the biggest reader, but I could not put this book down. The author brought you right into the story and wouldn't let you go. First Class!
Being from the Mississippi Delta automatically endears this book to me. Chandler's style of writing was able to transport me back in time, not just in memory but in feeling as well. His writing has jarred some memories I had long ago filed too far back in the recesses of my brain. By the time I was halfway through the book memories were gushing all over the place, leaking at times through my eyes.

Thank you Chandler for an amazing read and the jog down memory lane...
Although this book was outside my typical reading list, "The Making of a Fatherless Child" was an entertaining read, and exposure to a different type of writing style and language taught me a few new things.
This book will make you rage, hope, shake with tears, and ultimately thirst for vengeance. No, this is not a feel-good story, but it is one whose raw emotive power will stick with you long after you are done reading.

Amel is just trying to make his way through so many tribulations. And though I was not able to directly relate to his surroundings of poverty and violence, there was a sense in him that I related to—his ultimate desire for freedom and a meaningful life no matter where the struggle to find those things took him. Highly recommended for those who appreciate gritty, honest urban drama.
A very poignant story and it would have been so much better with proper editing. Has proof reading gone the way of the pay phone? A story of a tough life in a rough neighborhood with no one to offer love and guidance to a young male. Mingling with others in a setting that can only offer trouble and poverty and with no good options to exit the lifestyle he despises yet understanding right from wrong and striving to do right by others with overwhelming odds against him. This story paints a picture that is likely more prevalent across America than most would believe and most people who see it likely choose to pretend not to notice. Perhaps some would look back on their own childhood to make a comparison. Realize though a life without a father is perhaps preferable to life with a cruel and abusive father. Even being an emotion provoking story I can only rate this as four-star for the lack of editing and the use of slang words that have no meaning to the general populace.
"The Makings of a Fatherless Child," is a tale filled with emotion and thought provoking moments. The author expertly created complex yet relatable characters. There were no predictable moments. Chandler Alexander fills the story with realistic twists and turn that make readers eager for what will happen next. While I may not have had the same experiences as Amel does, I could feel the emotions coming off the pages. I am struggling to find the appropriate words to describe this book, and there are none.

The author gas an engaging style and has a the ability to make magic with his words to completely spellbind his readers. I would highly recommend this book and feel it is a must read.
I won't bore potential readers with the obvious; as we all know that the life of a boy raised without an involved father is dire at best...add to that the impoverished Mississippi Delta setting, a self-absorbed mother, and it's no wonder protagonist Amel River wants to spare his young nephew Javion, from this kind of miserable fate.

And somewhere in the midst of it, Amel meets and finds fatherly mentorship in "King Lee", whom you as the reader may have mixed feelings about for reasons that will become apparent, but as the story continues to unfold he will grow on you. I grew to appreciate his wisdom gleaned from trials and tribulations, as it was just the kind of guidance Amel yearned for. The character I found myself liking the least was Sea'Sea; I found her to be two-timing and manipulative. In this gritty novel, you will find all kinds of characters, so many of them are believable, raw, and every bit what you would expect from people who have spent their entire lives in the dregs and known nothing but a hand to mouth existence.

With as many twists and turns in the story, the ending may or not come as shocking to you, and the lessons (as well as Amel's own writing excerpts) are priceless.
The most prominent element of this book that stood out to me the most is how the narrative is expressed. The author does a great job of capturing the character’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions and conveying them in such a way that it feels genuine and realistic.

As well as this, I found myself relating to the protagonist, Amel River, in various different ways throughout the book. Admittedly, this caught me off guard at first because it’s not often I find myself connecting to characters that undergo the sort of struggles that Amel experiences in “The Makings of a Fatherless Child” – but it ultimately is big influence in regard to why I found the read so engaging. Certainly worth a read.
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