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[S5N]≫ Libro Free Pretty Little Dreams Pretty Little Lies Volume 2 Jennifer Miller 9780989407496 Books

Pretty Little Dreams Pretty Little Lies Volume 2 Jennifer Miller 9780989407496 Books

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Pretty Little Dreams Pretty Little Lies Volume 2 Jennifer Miller 9780989407496 Books

This will contain spoilers so you may want to bypass my review. But please note you will absolutely LOVE this book! I thought Pretty Little Lies had me on the edge of my seat, but it had nothing on this book. This book made you feel very emotion from happiness to sadness, despair, anger and dismay.

And Deacon? Wow. How can someone not know, I mean really know the person they married? I'm sure Olivia never thought in her wildest dreams that Deacon would be THAT crazy! He was clearly missing a few screws! His elevator certainly didn't reach the top floor if it ever got off the ground.

I want to thank Ms. Miller for the truly hilarious portion regarding the trip to the grocery store, army supply store and home cooked meal. I laughed so hard that years were running down my face! I could actually picture Olivia being the walking disaster she was while chugging down sample wine then going to the surplus store and macing and teasing people along the way. Only to get home and attempt to cook a meal. Whew! I hope we all meet that special someone who is willing to choke down a meal even if it tastes like ass! Lol...that part of the book was truly needed to help balance the dark parts of the story that held you captive, turning page after page; unable to put it down because you just HAD to know what would happen next!

I would recommend this book and ANYTHING written by Ms. Miller. You won't be disappointed!

Read Pretty Little Dreams Pretty Little Lies Volume 2 Jennifer Miller 9780989407496 Books

Tags : Pretty Little Dreams (Pretty Little Lies) (Volume 2) [Jennifer Miller] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. There is a place in all of us where our deepest secrets lie in wait for their moment to surface, and surface they will. After living through a real live nightmare,Jennifer Miller,Pretty Little Dreams (Pretty Little Lies) (Volume 2),Jennifer Miller,0989407497,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Suspense,Romance,Romance - Suspense

Pretty Little Dreams Pretty Little Lies Volume 2 Jennifer Miller 9780989407496 Books Reviews

Holy crap, this book. My heart was all over the place reading this. The first two chapters alone! I kept willing my mind to read faster.

Luke, as always, is utter perfection. I love him. He is in my top 5 of book boyfriends. He will never let Olivia ever go without his love. I love everything about him. All his reactions, actions, thoughts, etc. were so perfect. Men, please do take notes from him.

Olivia is such an amazing character. My heart broke with her POV and her thoughts. I wanted to reach into the book and strangle Deacon. She has a strong mind but even she is allowed to break.

This book was full of twists and you are holding your breath WAITING for the worst to fall upon Deacon. Luke and Olivia are such a strong, solid couple. They are perfect. I am so happy that they are continuing to grow as a couple even with their HEA.
If you've read Pretty Little Lies, you will know that the story ends with Deacon entering Olivia's apartment and the reader doesn't know what happens next. Like most readers, when I read the ending I nearly screamed "WHAT?!?!?!"


In Pretty Little Dreams we learn of Olivia's fate, the torture and mistreatment that Deacon is putting her through, and what is happening at home in Chicago. Once Olivia is finally free, although she is free from her capture, she really is not okay. As much as she wishes to just forget about what happened and move forward, how does she heal from such a traumatic experience? With Luke and Pyper hovering over her every move, she can't even go to the grocery store without issues. In the end, Olivia comes face to face with her trauma, Luke is ever the most amazing man any girl could ask for, and she finally has the catharsis she needs to make her way to recovery.

First of all, let me say that PLD is much different and much darker than PLL. Jennifer Miller is proving her versatility as an author and has written a dark and troubling story. But, it had to be so to give Olivia the clarity and justice she needs to heal from her kidnapping. Despite the dark subject, PLD is still filled with hilarious banter with Pyper, Olivia's antics, and drunken moments of "oops." This again demonstrates Jennifer Miller's ability as a writer to take a darker subject matter and sprinkle in moment where the reader will have no choice but to laugh out loud. Meatloaf, anyone?

In the end, the most heartfelt and warm moments happen between Olivia and Luke. This is an amazing conclusion to their story and trust me when I say that you will laugh, you will cry, you will feel so very sad, and you will feel immense joy. Jennifer Miller has knocked it out of the park!
Pretty Little Dreams is a great resolution to the heart stopping cliffhanger in Pretty Little Lies. Jennifer Miller writes such meaningful great characters. I was immediately sucked into the story and I literally experienced every emotion in the book. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest when Olivia was in trouble and my heart melted anytime Luke professed his love to her. If you think this story will be predictable or ordinary you are wrong. The sensitive issues that are addressed and the emotions that are involved with everyone in the story are handled in such a loving and compassionate way. Jennifer did a great job of getting in the head of Olivia and Luke when confronted with the issues of this story. This is an emotional and truly fabulous book! Can’t wait to read what Jennifer writes for us next!
I am not sure I can put into words how much I loved this book. Watching the story of Olivia and Luke unfold is just beautiful. The love between these two characters is mesmerizing. I am not sure there is anything Luke would not do for Olivia, and trust me when you read this book you will see there is A LOT this man does for her. The struggles with Deacon add such depth to the story.I truly hate Deacon, but without him I am not sure this book would be as good as it is. I was holding my breath off and on throughout the whole book. And of course Olivia's Fiesty friend Pyper adds a lot of dimension to any scene. This girl had me cracking up more than once. This book is a rollercoaster of emotions. At times I was screaming NO NO NO .. other times I was all OMG NO HE DID NOT, and then there were the YES!! GO GO GO!!! There were plenty of tears as well while reading this book. Though my review might be short.. my star rating is NOT.. I give this book 5 stars. I truly hope you will take the time to go on this journey with Olivia. It is well worth every second you spend reading this book. I can not wait to read more from this author in the future!
This will contain spoilers so you may want to bypass my review. But please note you will absolutely LOVE this book! I thought Pretty Little Lies had me on the edge of my seat, but it had nothing on this book. This book made you feel very emotion from happiness to sadness, despair, anger and dismay.

And Deacon? Wow. How can someone not know, I mean really know the person they married? I'm sure Olivia never thought in her wildest dreams that Deacon would be THAT crazy! He was clearly missing a few screws! His elevator certainly didn't reach the top floor if it ever got off the ground.

I want to thank Ms. Miller for the truly hilarious portion regarding the trip to the grocery store, army supply store and home cooked meal. I laughed so hard that years were running down my face! I could actually picture Olivia being the walking disaster she was while chugging down sample wine then going to the surplus store and macing and teasing people along the way. Only to get home and attempt to cook a meal. Whew! I hope we all meet that special someone who is willing to choke down a meal even if it tastes like ass! Lol...that part of the book was truly needed to help balance the dark parts of the story that held you captive, turning page after page; unable to put it down because you just HAD to know what would happen next!

I would recommend this book and ANYTHING written by Ms. Miller. You won't be disappointed!
Ebook PDF Pretty Little Dreams Pretty Little Lies Volume 2 Jennifer Miller 9780989407496 Books

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