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⇒ Read Free Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare

Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare

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Download PDF Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare

Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare

Shew! I read Sin in one evening. I could NOT stop. We were traveling for a couple of hours at night & my oldest who was driving was getting sleepy. Welllll, after I read a snippet or two she perked right up!

Now, you MUST read the Fantasy of Frost/Tainted Accords series or you will be completely lost in regards to his background, how these worlds work and the cultural nuances. The basis for these Characters are well built IF you know their stories.

My my my, excellent word building you can picture the desolation, surrounding and feel the scorching heat of the fire. Well edited. Ah, a lovely ending. Although, I was hoping for an epilogue. Nevertheless, I have an excellent imagination. ;-) :-D

(Oh yes, handsome cover photo. However, based on his description, he's definitely not a brunette. I'm attaching more closely of what I imagine he looks like.)

My star ratings include these 5 elements:
1★ story line
1★ engaging characters
1★ use of word building
1★ being well edited
1★ the ending

Read Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare

Tags : Sin: A Tainted Accords Novella, 4.5 eBook: Kelly St. Clare: Kindle Store,ebook,Kelly St. Clare,Sin: A Tainted Accords Novella, 4.5,Kelly St. Clare,Fiction Romance Fantasy,Juvenile Fiction Social Issues Peer Pressure

Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare Reviews

*Before you consider reading this, read the Tainted Accords first!*

I'm so glad we got to learn more about Sin's story and find out what happened to him after the Tainted Accords ended. It was a great novella!
What an amazing journey for a man-ho! All kidding aside I always thought Sin was more of a man, once a certain skinny, shy girl broke through!
I read this in one day. It was great to learn of Sin's past to know how he turned out the way he did and how he over came things. Oh and the twist with Olina very sneaky sneaky loved it. But Kelly you are driving me bonkers with your teasers of Olandon and who he likes from the Bruma ugh it is driving me crazy.
Okay, so I like that we got a bit more background info on Sin; I felt like this was a little rushed, Sin seemed to still be discovering himself and still hadn't really put a label on his feelings for Olina other then intrigue. Which is fine and all but you so don't leave a world because you are intrigued by someone right? Overall it was a good story, I just felt like it was rushed.
Perfect explanation and ending for this character,though enough unresolved it will be easy to segue into another book in corporate other characters.
But the cover does. Not. Fit.
Sin has curly longish hair and the beauty few mortals can match. This slicked back dark brown guy who has several days of not shaving his DARK BROWN facial hair and sly look about his entire face must be Ice because it sure ain' t Sin. Or Ethyn. Nope. He is a blonde Adonis ripped.
Sin... This beautiful, vain man captured my heart from the beginning, and now we finally get a peek at the real man inside the pretty packaging. Sin's novella showcases all the fabulousness that is Sin, but it also acts as a sort of extended Epilogue for Fantasy of Freedom. This was an unexpected treat. What is life like in Osolis after the war? What happened with the baby from the village? How did that second group of warriors survive the fire? Why was Blizzard unconscious when they pulled him from the river? Read Sin to find out!
Of all the characters in the series, Sin was one of my least favorite. Apparently, I am in the minority, since the author chose to write a novella about him due to overwhelming requests from fans.

I liked this book more than I thought I would but feel like the author missed an opportunity. Sin is an extraordinarily handsome man, who uses his looks and charms to sleep with anyone he wants. When an ugly woman spurns him, he becomes intrigued and eventually, falls in love.

Too bad the ugly woman is unattractive only due to starvation, and by the end of the novel, she’s beautiful and desirable. There could have been much more depth to the story had this not happened, and shallow Sin learned to love someone for who she is as a person, and not just her looks. Still, this was a fun and entertaining read, and I started liking Sin in spite of myself.
Shew! I read Sin in one evening. I could NOT stop. We were traveling for a couple of hours at night & my oldest who was driving was getting sleepy. Welllll, after I read a snippet or two she perked right up!

Now, you MUST read the Fantasy of Frost/Tainted Accords series or you will be completely lost in regards to his background, how these worlds work and the cultural nuances. The basis for these Characters are well built IF you know their stories.

My my my, excellent word building you can picture the desolation, surrounding and feel the scorching heat of the fire. Well edited. Ah, a lovely ending. Although, I was hoping for an epilogue. Nevertheless, I have an excellent imagination. ;-) -D

(Oh yes, handsome cover photo. However, based on his description, he's definitely not a brunette. I'm attaching more closely of what I imagine he looks like.)

My star ratings include these 5 elements
1★ story line
1★ engaging characters
1★ use of word building
1★ being well edited
1★ the ending
Ebook PDF Sin A Tainted Accords Novella 45 eBook Kelly St Clare

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