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How to Ruin a Summer Vacation How to Ruin a Summer Vacation Novel Simone Elkeles Books

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How to Ruin a Summer Vacation How to Ruin a Summer Vacation Novel Simone Elkeles Books

After perusing a few negative reviews, I hesitated beginning this one. I'm so glad that I persevered. I truly enjoyed the story, the humor, the romance, and the foreign locales. Yes, Amy acted like a spoiled brat at times, but I recognize this behavior in many self-entitled teens. I think it was realistic behavior of a 16 year old who has lived a spoiled life and feels slighted by a rarely-there father. You get to see somewhat of a turn-around in her behavior and hopefully even more in subsequent books. As for the romance, I can see the allure of a cute American girl to Israelian teen boys, regardless of her entitled behavior. For me, this was a realistic account of the beginning of a girls transformation after learning more about her heritage and faith. The added romance and humor was a beautiful bonus.

Read How to Ruin a Summer Vacation How to Ruin a Summer Vacation Novel Simone Elkeles Books

Tags : How to Ruin a Summer Vacation (How to Ruin a Summer Vacation Novel) (9780738709611): Simone Elkeles: Books,Simone Elkeles,How to Ruin a Summer Vacation (How to Ruin a Summer Vacation Novel),Flux,0738709611,Family - General,People & Places - Middle East,Social Themes - New Experience,Families,Families;Fiction.,Family,Fathers and daughters,Fathers and daughters;Fiction.,Israel,Jews,Jews;Fiction.,Literature & Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Children's Teenage fiction: General fiction,Family - Stepfamilies,Fiction,Fiction-General,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION General,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),Modern fiction,TEEN'S FICTION - GENERAL,United States,YA; young; adult; young adult; fiction; teen,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),YOUNG ADULT FICTION People & Places Middle East,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes New Experience,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - New Experience,Family - Stepfamilies,JUVENILE FICTION General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),YOUNG ADULT FICTION People & Places Middle East,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes New Experience,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - New Experience,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Children's Teenage fiction: General fiction,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),Modern fiction

How to Ruin a Summer Vacation How to Ruin a Summer Vacation Novel Simone Elkeles Books Reviews

Simone Elkeles shows her sense of humor in "How To Ruin A Summer Vacation". Amy traveling to Israel with her father whom she calls SD {Sperm Donor} has you laughing right from the start. When they arrive at the Moshav, Amy meets up with guys her own age named Doo-Doo, Moron and O' dead. When her father introduces her to Doda Yucky {Aunt Yikara}, uncle Chaim {Chime to Amy}and than her cousin O'snot, this brought on laughing so hard I started to cry. When she meets her Safta {Grandma} for the first time it over whelms Amy so bad that she runs out of the house crying and stops by a pig pen where she see's "no shirt guy" {Avi} throwing bails of hay into the pen, and a puppy she later names "Mutt" comes up to her. Walking back towards the house she notices a bunch of big dogs barking at her and running towards her. Amy takes off in the opposite direction running as fast as she can and jumps toward the pen with her eyes closed. She ends up straddling Avi. After her Aba {father} gets done yelling at her she goes into the bedroom where Snotty is sitting on her bed. Amy decides she is going to take a shower, but forgets clothes. With a towel wrapped around her she heads into the bedroom not looking at Snotty. Amy is embarrassed to dress in front of her, but drops her towel to put on her underwear and shorts when the door opens she thinks it is SD, but it is Snotty. With a tank top covering her chest she turns to see Avi sitting on the bed and screams which brings her father and uncle. Avi got a really good peep show. Embarrassed, Amy runs into the bathroom. And this is only in the first 55 pages. Out of the three "How To Ruin" books, this one is the funniest. I would recommend this book. Simone as usual writes a great book...
This is the book that starts the How to Ruin series, which quickly became my favorite series of all time. Simone Elkeles is quite talented, as her recent RITA award and Bestseller status can attest to, but this gem of a series tends to be overshadowed by her other works. I am SO glad I found it and highly recommend it.

This is a definite Romantic Comedy, and it is big on both aspects. The romance is wonderful -- Avi is an amazing leading man -- and the comedy is laugh out loud, pee in your pants funny at times. Amy is an awesome Main Character whose feisty personality is only overshadowed by her heart. There are many different themes and subplots within the story and all of the characters are well developed. I really really really hope that once Ms. Elkeles finishes the long awaited final Fuentes brother book (perfect chemistry) and finishes the wonderful Leaving Paradise series, that she considers coming back to Amy and Avi's story.
Taken from

My Thoughts First off, I just want to say that I am reviewing all 3 books in this one review. The other titles in the series are How To Ruin My Teenage Life and How To Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation. We are introduced to Amy who lives with her mom. Her dad has been in and out of her life throughout the years but he calls and wants Amy to go to Israel because her grandmother whom she has never meant and to learn more about his home country and her family. Amy goes and spends time there and it is nothing like what she is used too. She meets her dad's side of the family. She meets a boy. Not just any boy but a hot boy named Avi. It was love at first page for me. I loved him and throughout all three books I fell in love more and more. Part of me felt like he was my Avi!

How To Ruin My Teenage Life deals with Amy being back home in the states and she has went to live with her father in Chicago. She meets a new boy named Nathan but deep down her heart belongs to Avi but the catch is Avi is spending 3 years in the military because that is law in Israeli so how can she be with someone who is not around? But what happens when he does come around?

Book 3, How To Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation deals with Amy ending up on Avi's boot camp. I don't want to say much more without giving away every detail of every book. But, here is the short version. I spent 24 hours reading these 3 books. Did I sleep? Not much. One of the times, my boyfriend came in the room and I was asleep on top of the book. I fell asleep reading it! Of course I got right back up and started reading it again until my eyes got tired. I went to bed for a few hours, got back up, and started reading again. These books are so addicting and I love Amy, all of Amy's friends, and Avi. I hope there is a book 4!!!!!

Overall Loved the whole series! Devoured it! So good!

Cover I think all 3 covers are really adorable!
After perusing a few negative reviews, I hesitated beginning this one. I'm so glad that I persevered. I truly enjoyed the story, the humor, the romance, and the foreign locales. Yes, Amy acted like a spoiled brat at times, but I recognize this behavior in many self-entitled teens. I think it was realistic behavior of a 16 year old who has lived a spoiled life and feels slighted by a rarely-there father. You get to see somewhat of a turn-around in her behavior and hopefully even more in subsequent books. As for the romance, I can see the allure of a cute American girl to Israelian teen boys, regardless of her entitled behavior. For me, this was a realistic account of the beginning of a girls transformation after learning more about her heritage and faith. The added romance and humor was a beautiful bonus.
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